The Ofrenda offers tour participants and guests overnight accommodations and a gathering place that are more like a traditional Mexican home than a hotel. Located in the heart of the lively and beautiful city of Oaxaca, the Ofrenda’s colonial architecture and low-key environment offer guests the perfect surroundings to exchange ideas, discuss industry trends or just relax after a full day visiting palenques and tasting mezcals.
Each room has a private bathroom and shower. Trip guests can enjoy freshly made mezcal cocktails and snacks at the main bar, or in any of the unique communal spaces available throughout the building.
Puro Burro Announces New Accommodations in Oaxaca (pdf)
Private Events & Airbnb
Ofrenda can be rented as a gathering place and home base for entire groups from all ends of the personal and professional spectrum. Contact us if you’re interested in hosting an event at Ofrenda!
During non-tour weeks, Ofrenda rooms are available for rent on Airbnb. Private mezcal tours can also be arranged.
Our Beautiful Rooms...